Monday, December 27, 2010

Funny Bone Health

I remember seeing George Burns on a talk show when I was a young child. In my mind he was ancient then. He would go on to live a long time afterwards. I can't recall the talk show I saw him on or even the host, only George with those funny glasses of his and a big cigar. I remember the host asking him something about his secret to long life and I remember Mr. Burn's serious reply. He said that he laughed a little everyday. Many years ago, Solomon of Israel wrote that a merry heart does good like a medicine. It seems that in modern times, scientists have confirmed his statement. Whenever I've had a stressful day, I've discovered that a funny television show, like the Three Stooges, Friends, Scrubs or Laurel and Hardy cheers me in spite of myself and before I know it, I'm laughing and the stress is forgotten for the duration of the program. Maybe it works like yoga, maybe some entirely different way. At any rate, here's a real article on the use of humor therapy. I hope you'll be encouraged to research the topic further or at the very least, find something to laugh about every day.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Healthful Information: Essiac Tea

Healthful Information: Essiac Tea: "I first heard about Essiac Tea from a dear friend and herbalist. When she told me about it I wondered why I had never heard of it before, bu..."

Essiac Tea

I first heard about Essiac Tea from a dear friend and herbalist. When she told me about it I wondered why I had never heard of it before, but then I realized that there are many things, good things, that I've never heard of before. I then discussed the tea with another friend who runs a herbalist shop. She also had good things to say concerning Essiac. That's when I decided to do a little research and learned that there are many possibilities associated with Essiac Tea. I'm posting the following link to one of the articles that I read online. I will say that after reading several articles on the subject that I decided to purchase the tea for my dad. Granted, his cancer IS advanced and Essiac is NOT a definite cure for advanced stages of cancer. Still, I had to try. Not that he is taking it. He is stubborn, but when you have a loved one diagnosed with cancer, and physicians have proclaimed there is nothing else they can do, you either say, "Okay, this is the end. I'll sit here and hold your hand while you die." Or else you say, "Well, it ain't over til it's over and not only will I sit here and hold your hand, but I'll pray for you and fight with you until you take your last breath here on earth." I guess I'm the kind of gal who does the later. I don't like to quit in the middle of a movie, forfeit a game or walk away from a task. I'm betting I'm not the only person like that. I just don't believe in throwing in the towel and burying a person before he or she's dead. So would I try herbs? You bet your life I would.