I remember seeing George Burns on a talk show when I was a young child. In my mind he was ancient then. He would go on to live a long time afterwards. I can't recall the talk show I saw him on or even the host, only George with those funny glasses of his and a big cigar. I remember the host asking him something about his secret to long life and I remember Mr. Burn's serious reply. He said that he laughed a little everyday. Many years ago, Solomon of Israel wrote that a merry heart does good like a medicine. It seems that in modern times, scientists have confirmed his statement. Whenever I've had a stressful day, I've discovered that a funny television show, like the Three Stooges, Friends, Scrubs or Laurel and Hardy cheers me in spite of myself and before I know it, I'm laughing and the stress is forgotten for the duration of the program. Maybe it works like yoga, maybe some entirely different way. At any rate, here's a real article on the use of humor therapy. I hope you'll be encouraged to research the topic further or at the very least, find something to laugh about every day.
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