In writing this blog I generally will post articles with links or references. Today, however, I'm going to post 4 simple things that I think important in my own life, things that I feel are essential to my health. Trust me, I can tell when I'm lacking in one of these things because after a few days effects start to show.
1. eat a balanced diet--balanced means just that "balanced". I believe it is important not to go too far in any direction. I do avoid certain things whenever possible: they are excessive amounts of starch, sugar and white flour along with processed food. It is always better to opt for lean meats, beans, lentils, chick peas, fresh vegetables and fruits, yogurt [but not the kinds with artificial colorings and flavors], whole wheat/grain products, oatmeal, etc. I try to avoid lots of "rich" food, because they make me lathargic and cause me to gain weight around my middle. So, keep the processed nacho dip with oil fried potatoes and give me a bowl of hummus and whole wheat pita chips or a cup of fresh salsa and tortillas any day of the weak. Tonight's menu calls for pinto beans and something green.
2. exercise-at LEAST 3 times a week. I usually do a forty-five minute cardio workout three days a week and weight bearing exercises the other two days. You don't have to join a gym to get in the exercise you need. You can jump rope, ride your bike, do push-ups, run, use a thread mill, get a dvd and workout with the television, walk. Oh, and there are many yoga moves that really increase your level of strength.
3. sleep-get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I know it's not always possible, but make every effort to DO IT. Years of lack of sleep will pile up on you.
4. relax & laugh-- Take a walk, read a book, write a poem, put on a silly record and dance, watch the Three Stooges, finger paint, etc. The point is, do something fun! Do something that momentarily makes you forget all the stress in the world. A steady diet of stress will effect your health negatively.
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